Working with Pikus brings to life beautiful statement pieces in record time.
Architect Matt Thomas, with The Green Room Collaborative, designed and executed on a fantastic statement piece for one of the firm’s top clients.
In Orlando, FL, the city wanted a series of unique seating elements to wow the public. Without Pikus, the unique seating would have been over a year out, but Pikus cut costs and time!
A high-end residential complex encountered an enormous problem that was going to set back their project by several months - that is until Pikus stepped in!
Pikus is using 3D-printed concrete to create beautiful rockwork creations. Get an inside look at this new way to create precision rockwork foundations for your next project.
Take an in-depth journey through the differences between Cast-in-Place construction practices and 3D-printed concrete. Learn the pros and cons of each fabrication method so that you can decide which will work best for your project. Venture into some of the most frequently asked comparison questions in this detailed article.

What Does Our Creation Process Look Like?
Get an inside look at how we create projects that have captivated communities around the world!
Who’s Making A Statement With Pikus?
The top architects in the United States are turning to Pikus to achieve their vision. Check out this article to see why architects use Pikus to make their statement.