How architects can fabricate their dream creations while making a positive impact on their community.
Creating A Positive Impact
One warm summer afternoon, a group of landscape architects were handed a small community project. The goal was to redesign the local pickleball courts to make them more accessible for the members of the community who frequent the games. Not thinking much of the project, the architects put it on their to-do list and moved to more pressing items. Not long after that, the very same architects were invited to the Pikus Sandbox Experience to learn about and create with 3DPG. It was in the Pikus Lab that these architects were able to fire up this project and create something wonderful for the space: an interactive pickleball bench for community members to race their pickleballs down while waiting to use the courts.
3D-polygrout is taking hold of our communities one print at a time. Several architects have come up with creative ways to utilize this up-and-coming design strategy to benefit the people around them. Now it is time for you to do the same. With intricate design capabilities and unique interactive features, it is time to show your community exactly what 3DPG can do for them.
There is a special fire that comes from serving the community. To see people interacting with something that you designed is an amazing feeling. With Pikus, it is so much easier to bring your own personal touch to your designs. When there is a unique need to fill in your community, you can create a unique statement piece to make a lasting impact.
There are many ways to use 3DPG to provide a service to your community. Some installers have requested custom playground pieces while others have desired 3DPG sculptures and rock features within their projects. When you truly understand how 3DPG can be utilized the possibilities become infinite.
One of the most unique utilizations of 3DPG is slide features, which are uniquely printed to accommodate the space into which they are placed. Sometimes these slides are curved while others are straight. Some are self-supporting while others require a foundation. A few of the slides even have interactive play features embossed onto them! No matter what your passion is, there are 3D-printed possibilities to merge the community's needs and the designer’s dreams into one amazing creation.
Pikus has developed multiple pathways toward a final 3DPG statement piece. If an architect has a good idea of project elements that they would like to feature in a 3DPG Design, then all that needs to be done is send the 3D files to our sales team at Pikus 3D or email the files to create@pikus3d.com. The print will be finished not long after that! However, if an architect would like a hands-on experience then we welcome everyone into our Sandbox to ideate, create, and print amazing designs that will last a lifetime.
Step By Step with Pikus
Developing a new project idea with Pikus can be achieved in a few simple steps! The first step is to register with Pikus so that you can set up a meeting or a Sandbox Experience. You can easily do this by following this link to our sign-up or by emailing create@pikus3d.com. Once a date is set, a Pikus representative will confirm and send your team a few videos in preparation for the experience.
When you arrive at the Pikus Lab, a team member will greet you and take you up to our Sandbox. Here we will review any constraints that your project may have and go over all project requirements to ensure a smooth experience. After that is taken care of, it is time to start designing! Our team always starts off tactile. We provide miniature 3D models for inspiration and provide tools for sketching and ideating right at your fingertips!
Once your team has mapped out several ideas we will choose the best ideas to move forward with in the next step of the process: modeling! Your team will be brought into our clay modeling space where we have many tools available for you to narrow down your idea. We provide lighting elements, miniature trees, rocks, clay, and all the tools you could ever need. By the end of this step, you will be able to envision exactly what your community will see in the final product!
The next few days after the Sandbox Experience are spent perfecting a 3D model and ensuring printability for your product. Our team will get your product up and printing in no time! It will be shipped off in the next few weeks for the installation team to complete the project. If you have any questions about this process don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We truly love creating statement pieces that serve the community around us and would love to help you do the same!